2 Preliminaries

A CNF formula F is an AND ($ \wedge$) of clauses, where each clause is an OR ($ \vee$) of literals, and a literal is a variable or its negation ($ \neg$). It is natural to think of F as a set of clauses and each clause as a set of literals. A clause that is a subset of another is called its subclause. The size of F is the number of clauses in F.

Let $ \rho$ be a partial assignment to the variables of F. The restricted formula F$\scriptstyle \rho$ is obtained from F by replacing variables in $ \rho$ with their assigned values. F is said to be simplified if all clauses with at least one TRUE literal are deleted and all occurrences of FALSE literals are removed from clauses. F|$\scriptstyle \rho$ denotes the result of simplifying the restricted formula F$\scriptstyle \rho$.

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 22 (2004). Copyright AI Access Foundation. All rights reserved.