

Please Note:
This page contains an archive of older versions of kXML.
For recent versions, please refer to kxml.org.

2001-02-01 With availability of version 0.81, kXML has finally moved to kxml.org
2000-10-03 Uploaded new version 0.75. Performed some changes for real KVM-CLDC compatibility and consistency. WAP is still untested. The sourcecode is now available at sourceforge.net, too (project name: kxml).
2000-07-28 Uploaded new version 0.25. Added an exception if an elements is not closed at the end of the document. Added source (License: LGPL) since I did not find time yet to move everything to Sourceforge. WAP support is still not really tested.
2000-07-28 Uploaded new version 0.21. Just fixed some additional namespace problems.
2000-07-28 Uploaded new version 0.2. Fixed several bugs detected while performing roundtip tests with namespace example documents.
WBXML and KVM compatibility still not tested.
2000-07-25 Initial vesion - Warning:This package is pre-alpha: I am already using the Parser and the kDOM in an own application (the Information Layer of the COMRIS project, see links), but did not yet
  • try to really use it with the Palm Pilot KVM,
  • try all XML legacy,
  • test the WBXML support,
  • test the namespace support, and
  • finish the namespace support in kDOM.