
Lee/etal/2014a: Robust Selection of Cancer Survival Signatures from High-Throughput Genomic Data Using Two-Fold Subsampling

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Lee/etal/2014a
Author Sangkyun Lee and Jörg Rahnenführer and Michel Lang and Katleen de Preter and Pieter Mestdagh and Jan Koster and Rogier Versteeg and Raymond Stallings and Luigi Varesio and Shahab Asgharzadeh and Johannes Schulte and Kathrin Fielitz and Melanie Heilmann and Katharina Morik and Alexander Schramm
Ls8autor Lee, Sangkyun
Title Robust Selection of Cancer Survival Signatures from High-Throughput Genomic Data Using Two-Fold Subsampling
Journal PLoS ONE
Volume 9
Pages e108818
Year 2014
Projekt SFB876-C1, SFB876-A3
lee_etal_2014a.pdf [1023 KB]