
Kersting/2012a: Lifted Probabilistic Inference

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Kersting/2012a
Author K. Kersting
Ls8autor Kersting, Kristian
Editor L. De Raedt and C. Bessiere and D. Dubois and P. Doherty and P. Frasconi and F. Heintz and P. Lucas
Title Lifted Probabilistic Inference
Booktitle Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI{--}2012)
Organization ECCAI
Address Montpellier, France
Publisher IOS Press
Note (Invited Talk at the Frontiers of AI Track)
Month August 27-31
Year 2012
Url http://www-kd.iai.uni-bonn.de/pubattachments/645/kersting2012ecai_faia.pdf