
Haustein/2006a: An Interpretative Approach to the Model-Driven Development of Web Applications

Bibtype Phdthesis
Bibkey Haustein/2006a
Author Haustein, Stefan
Title An Interpretative Approach to the Model-Driven Development of Web Applications
School University Dortmund
Abstract The increasing size and complexity of web applications has led to a
situation where the traditional approach of creating and managing a set
of plain HTML files is inappropriate in many cases. Consistency in
structure, look and feel, and hyperlinks needs to be maintained, and
support for different content formats may be required. The combination
of XML Schema, XML and XSLT is able to improve this situation, but the
expressive power of XML Schema is insufficient for application domains
where more than a pure hierarchical structure is required. In this work,
we have chosen the XML toolchain as a guideline to construct an
alternative basis for web information systems at a higher level of
abstraction, namely UML class diagrams. We have identified a UML
counterpart or implemented a substitute for each constituent of the XML
processing chain, showing that it is possible to build a consistent
UML-based system for model driven web applications. Since our approach
is based on model interpretation, a system prototype can be created by
simply drawing a conceptual model in the form of a UML class diagram---a
step that is required in the relevant development methodologies anyway.
By making this first step immediately operational without any
compilation or transformation steps, the gap between web development
methodologies and actual system implementation has been narrowed
Year 2006
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