
Multi-Agent Learning



Haritz, Pierre
Liebig, Thomas
Tavakol, Maryam
Wurst, Michael

Past Master Thesis


Wurst/2007b Wurst, Michael. Multi-Agent Learning by Distributed Feature Extraction. In Daniel Kudenko and Ann Nowe and Zahia Guessoum and Karl Tuyls (editors), Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems III, pages 239 --, Springer, 2007.
Wurst/Morik/2006b Wurst, Michael and Morik, Katharina. Multi-Agent Learning By Feature Sharing. In Proceedings of the 6th European Symposium on Adaptive Learning Agents and MAS, 2006.
Wurst/2001a Wurst, Michael. Application of Machine Learning Methods in a Multi-Agent System. Gerstner Laboratory, Czech Technical University, 2001.
Wurst/2001b Wurst, Michael. Untersuchung und Entwicklung von Verfahren zum kooperativen Maschinellen Lernen in Multi-Agenten Systemen. University of Stuttgart, 2001.