
Morik/etal/2001b: M4 -- The MiningMart Meta Model

Bibtype Techreport
Bibkey Morik/etal/2001b
Author Morik, Katharina and Botta, Marco and Dittrich, Klaus R. and Kietz, Jorg-Uwe and Portinale, Luigi and Vaduva, Anca and Zucker, Regina
Ls8autor Morik, Katharina
Title M4 -- The {MiningMart} Meta Model
Number D8/9
Institution IST Project MiningMart, IST-11993
Year 2001
Projekt MiningMart
Url https://www-ai.cs.tu-dortmund.de/PublicPublicationFiles/morik_etal_2001b.pdf
MiningMart -- Case-Based Support for Database Preprocessing (Extract, Transform, Load)