
Ritthoff/etal/2002b: A Hybrid Approach to Feature Selection and Generation Using an Evolutionary Algorithm

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Ritthoff/etal/2002b
Author Ritthoff, Oliver and Klinkenberg, Ralf and Fischer, Simon and Mierswa, Ingo
Ls8autor Ritthoff, Oliver
Editor Bullinaria, John A.
Title A Hybrid Approach to Feature Selection and Generation Using an Evolutionary Algorithm
Booktitle Proceedings of the 2002 U.K. Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI-02)
Pages 147--154
Address Birmingham, UK
Publisher University of Birmingham
Month september
Year 2002
Projekt SFB531, YALE
Isbn 0704423685
Computational Intelligence
Feature Set Transformations