
Scholz/2005d: On the Tractability of Rule Discovery from Distributed Data

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Scholz/2005d
Author Scholz, Martin
Ls8autor Scholz, Martin
Editor Han, J. and Wah, B.W. and Raghavan, V. and Wu, X. and Rastogi, R.
Title {O}n the {T}ractability of {R}ule {D}iscovery from {D}istributed {D}ata
Booktitle Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM '05)
Pages 761--764
Address Houston, Texas, USA
Publisher IEEE Computer Society
Month nov
Year 2005
Projekt SFB475
Distributed Data Mining
Rule Selection Metrics