
Kotthaus/etal/2017a: RAMBO: Resource-Aware Model-Based Optimization with Scheduling for Heterogeneous Runtimes and a Comparison with Asynchronous Model-Based Optimization

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Kotthaus/etal/2017a
Author Kotthaus, Helena and Richter, Jakob and Lang, Andreas and Thomas, Janek and Bischl, Bernd and Marwedel, Peter and Rahnenführer, Jörg and Lang, Michel
Ls8autor Kotthaus, Helena
Lang, Andreas
Title RAMBO: Resource-Aware Model-Based Optimization with Scheduling for Heterogeneous Runtimes and a Comparison with Asynchronous Model-Based Optimization
Booktitle Procs. of the 11th LION
Pages 180-195
Year 2017
Projekt SFB876-A3
Url https://www.springerprofessional.de/en/rambo-resource-aware-model-based-optimization-with-scheduling-fo/15164982

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