
Hess/etal/2018a: The Trustworthy Pal: Controlling the False Discovery Rate in Boolean Matrix Factorization

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Hess/etal/2018a
Author Hess, Sibylle and Piatkowski, Nico and Morik, Katharina
Ls8autor Hess, Sibylle
Morik, Katharina
Piatkowski, Nico
Title The Trustworthy Pal: Controlling the False Discovery Rate in Boolean Matrix Factorization
Booktitle Proceedings of the 2018 {SIAM} International Conference on Data Mining, {SDM} 2018, May 3-5, 2018, San Diego Marriott Mission Valley, San Diego, CA, {USA.}
Pages 405--413
Organization SIAM
Year 2018
Projekt SFB876-A1,SFB876-C1
Url https://doi.org/10.1137/1.9781611975321.46