
Knowledge Management

Knowledge management among other things is about the organization, representation, sharing, and exchange of knowledge.


Information Layer


Haustein, Stefan
Klinkenberg, Ralf


Haustein/etal/2003a Haustein, Stefan and Morik, Katharina and Pleumann, Jörg. The InfoLayer - A Simple Knowledge Management System Put To Use in Academica. In I-Know-03, Springer, 2003.
Bauschulte/etal/2002a Bauschulte, Fabian and Beckmann, Ingrid and Haustein, Stefan and Hueppe, Christian and El Jerroudi, Zoulfa and Koepcke, Hanna and Look, Phillip and Morik, Katharina and Shulimovich, Boris and Unterstein, Klaus and Wiese, Daniel. PG-402 Endbericht Wissensmanagement. Fachbereich Informatik, Universitat Dortmund, 2002.
Klinkenberg/Slawinski/2002a Klinkenberg, Ralf and Slawinski, Timo. Knowledge Management for Computational Intelligence. No. CI-131/02, Collaborative Research Center 531, University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany, 2002.
Haustein/2001c Stefan Haustein. Utilising an Ontology Based Repository to Connect Web Miners and Application Agents. In Proceedings of the ECML/PKDD Workshop on Semantic Web Mining, 2001.
Klinkenberg/Slawinski/2001a Klinkenberg, Ralf and Slawinski, Timo. Wissensmanagement in der Computational Intelligence: Systematisierung der Beschreibung von Problemen, Methoden und Methodeneinsatzen. In Mikut, Ralf and Reischl, Markus (editors), Proceedings 11. Workshop Fuzzy Control des VDI/VDE GMA-Fachausschuss 5.22, pages 78--99, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2001.
Haustein/etal/2000a Stefan Haustein and Sascha Ludecke and Christian Schwering. The Knowledge Agency. In Carles Sierra and Maria Gini and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein (editors), Proceedings of the Forth International Conference on Autonomous Agents, pages 205 -- 206, ACM SIGART, Barcelona, Spain, ACM Press, New York, 2000.